- Never do business with friends or relatives.
- Charity begins at home.
- Perception is subjective reality.
- All the lessons you learn from a relationship become void when you enter the next one.
- It is ok to make mistakes - that is human.
- It is not ok to make the same mistake twice, that is just stupid.
- When it comes to your mother, there is no such thing called 'perfectly clean' !!
- Trying times bring out who your true friends / well wishers are.
- The only people you can afford to take for granted is your family, and the only people you should not.
- People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Everyone has a best friend - the little voice in your head that is always right.
- Things are strange or difficult only till you get used to it.
- Even the toughest of times will pass, just keep walking.
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous 2008!!
Nice. You must be a quick learner. It took me a long long time to learn all that you have said.
Well... I have learnt only one lesson... Unreal is discreet and real is infinite...
But for the last lesson of yours, just keep 'Johnny walking'... :)
Nice post(man)
Very true.
And here’s wishing you a TERRIFIC NEW YEAR 2008!
Hope everything turns out the way you want it to.
I agree Maddy especially with the 2nd one.So please tell my hubby there's this li'l thing at home waiting him to begin charity ! You have a very happy new year too :)
@gee: I meant MY home! You and Eddie both are welcome to contribute :p
"Life is meaningless. In the end, it doesn't even matter." :)
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